Don’t support people, politicians and organizations who don’t support you
It will take deliberate action everyday to change California
If you recently woke up, looked around and wondered, “What in the hell happened to California?” then one must start answering that question by questioning her elected representatives, her elections and her voters.
To question her elected representatives, start with money. Who gives it to them? I checked follow the money
- Industry Political Action Committees (PAC)
- Realtor/Developers
- Trade
- Teachers
- Healthcare
- First Responders
- Very wealthy Mega Donors
- Individual donors
Missing from this particular website is corporation names such as Amazon, Kroger, Target, Walmart that undoubtedly sponsor politicians and causes that would help their businesses within the state.
There are a lot of people, politicians and organizations who donate bigly to California’s dysfunctional leadership and one should know who they are, what is their business and most importantly what is their reason to flood politicians and political causes with money.
What do big donors get in exchange for their money and endorsements and can the public diminish that codified corruption by not buying a product or service and by supporting alternative causes and politicians?
With money comes power and California’s lifetime politicians such as Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, among others wield their grotesque and ill-gotten power rod against the public in the name of the public which is incredibly frustrating double-speak, double-think, smoke and mirrors trickery.
What you can do about the money corrupt politics and PACs
Don’t support those businesses, organizations and politicians who don’t support you. Switch retailers, service providers or possibly do without a product or service should no viable replacement exist. There is something to be said for living an austere life out of choice or for taking a stand and doing without to make a bigger point. It is a small return of control in an otherwise out of control political system. You are empowered to vote with your wallet many times per day. Use it.
Start and support local recall efforts such as the recall of Ventura County Board Member Linda Parks
Ventura County Board of Supervisors member Linda Parks chaired the effort by Ventura County Health Department to sue into ruin local small businesses during Gov. Gavin Newsom’s and Ventura County Public Health Officer Dr. Robert Levin’s COVID overhyped lockdown which killed a multitude more people and businesses than it saved.
The public was outraged and launched a recall effort. Rather than atone for her foolishness and accept that her actions were severely out of line with the empirical and observational data on the ground, Parks maligned, attacked and disparaged vast swathes of her constituents in an immature knee-jerk reaction to her first smack in the face from the public probably ever by repeatedly dog-whistling to the cancel mob.
While Parks has made a welcomed name for herself creating and maintaining her namesake in Conejo Valley spanning nearly two decades, this recent political maneuver is so disgusting, so shameful and so unforgiveable she should resign and beg forgiveness. Instead she follows the scorched Earth policy of deny, defame and denounce ala Nancy Pelosi, lifetime politicians.
What can the public do to change the type of politicians who have ruined California communities for 40 years?
In short, demand term limits, avoid contributing to activist unions such as the California Teacher’s Union, get involved with local grass roots organizations who educate and activate local community members to take a stand against these horrible and worsening politics and politicians.