These Kids are Uptight But China’s Quiet Influence on our Youth is the Real Fight
Imagine being so privileged that living rent free in a giant mansion and being paid ten times the money of an average blue-collar worker for simply showing your ass and hawking wares in pictures and videos constitutes overworking conditions. Imagine next lashing out at that hand that spoon feeds you.
Dollars to dog bones, some of these kids believe capitalism is evil and march with marxists on their time off which is perfect since they literally work for CCP. That’s right. Wrap your head around this, a Chinese owned hospital and healthcare organization headquartered in Nanning, Guangxi, People’s Republic of China purchased a MEDIA INFLUENCE COMPANY in December 2020 and changed it’s name.
Tongji Healthcare Group, Inc. (OTCMKTS:TONJ) (Name Change to “Clubhouse Media Group, Inc.” currently pending) (“Tongji”, “Clubhouse” or the “Company”), is excited to announce the signing of a Definitive Agreement (the “Agreement”) to acquire Magiclytics, one of the world’s first Influencer-Based Marketing Revenue Prediction Software platforms.
WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA! Your kids are being controlled by CCP via greed and poor parenting and education and lack of respect for our country and her Constitution.