Their Message is not Their Mission – it’s a Political Lie
Do not let the paper tiger’s roar fool you. We are just more polite, but that, too, is changing very quickly.
One Californian's Paradigm
Do not let the paper tiger’s roar fool you. We are just more polite, but that, too, is changing very quickly.
Democrat overlord, Nancy Pelosi has commanded her brown shirts to block off the public from the elite. There must be a larger, more potent and caustic word for HYPOCRITE to use here, but I don’t have it so I will simply call them the #NewNazis.
While Mike Lindell takes vitriolic stab after ableism slash and keeps on truckin and laughing, Kimmel comes off absolutely uncouth, pathetic and pandering.
I love the brave reporting of the facts and defense of the truth in the face of media and political concerted efforts to defame and discredit his reporting. This is … Read More
If George Carlin where alive today, I believe he would sponsor busses of stupid people to these vaccine centers to thin the heard. I’m a more optimistic humanitarian, ala Christopher Hitchens, and while nature will take its course with the gullible and stupid, I still quietly wish they would awaken from their media-induced slumber and rise up.
The Year Earth Changed documents the year truth died. A hapless TV host demonstrates the depth of breadth of the problem of media deception.
THANKFULLY – LASD has come to their senses and as of April 16, they ceased this abhorrent inhumane jab of potential extermination of mentally disabled people whom their caretakers mistakenly signed them up. It was even the recalled J&J serum.
This is a wonderful victory and show of force for MOVE THE NEEDLE and what they can accomplish with focused efforts and continuous pressure highlighting the gross factual errors of Linda Parks and her politicking. Congratulations!
Pull your kids out of government school. Reduce enrollment which reduces staff. Reduced staff reduces teacher’s union dues which weakens the horrible political machine that teacher’s unions have become. #OneRoomSchoolHouse #SchoolChoice