James O’Keefe of Project Veritas is Eagerly Facing Down the Old Grey Hag

I love the brave reporting of the facts and defense of the truth in the face of media and political concerted efforts to defame and discredit his reporting. This is … Read More

Yale Professor of Epidemiology, “60 percent of new COVID cases are people who have been VACCINATED.”

If George Carlin where alive today, I believe he would sponsor busses of stupid people to these vaccine centers to thin the heard. I’m a more optimistic humanitarian, ala Christopher Hitchens, and while nature will take its course with the gullible and stupid, I still quietly wish they would awaken from their media-induced slumber and rise up.

BREAKING NEWS: Ventura County Board of Supervisors Pull Parks’ Resolution 21-005

This is a wonderful victory and show of force for MOVE THE NEEDLE and what they can accomplish with focused efforts and continuous pressure highlighting the gross factual errors of Linda Parks and her politicking. Congratulations!