Author: TOaks
Progressives Never Sleep, Are Rarely Calm or Quiet and Always Grab the Public Mic
The T.O. City Council meeting was reported on their site as cancelled, instead it was a progressive frenzy of allegations and intimidations of RACISM, INEQUITY and WHITE HATE.
VCBOS Resolution 21-005 – Flagrant Inaccuracy and Political Grandstanding on Full Display
Our Elected Officials Wave Ignorance Like The Flag If you haven’t read Ventura County Board of Supervisors Linda Parks’ monumental pile of inaccurate garbage about the establishment’s new favorite distraction … Read More
Thousand Oaks Land Use Survey, March 24 Results Show Potential Fraudulent Returns
The comments were slanted very heavily to ZERO NEW BUILDING while the infographics seemed to paint another dimension of robotic clicks. So, given this optical disparity I chose to invoke my right as a California citizen and request the public records surrounding the 2/2-3/15 open survey on Land Use. I will quote the actual text below and will certainly report any progress to the same.
Don’t support people, politicians and organizations who don’t support you
Don’t support those businesses, organizations and politicians who don’t support you. Switch retailers, service providers or possibly do without a product or service should no viable replacement exist. There is something to be said for living an austere life out of choice or for taking a stand and doing without to make a bigger point. It is a small return of control in an otherwise out of control political system. You are empowered to vote with your wallet many times per day. Use it.