ITV Show Mistakenly Let’s The Politically Blind See the COVID / Green New Schpeel
The Year Earth Changed documents the year truth died. A hapless TV host demonstrates the depth of breadth of the problem of media deception.
One Californian's Paradigm
Streams of consciousness which scroll the top bar of my paradigm.
The Year Earth Changed documents the year truth died. A hapless TV host demonstrates the depth of breadth of the problem of media deception.
This is a wonderful victory and show of force for MOVE THE NEEDLE and what they can accomplish with focused efforts and continuous pressure highlighting the gross factual errors of Linda Parks and her politicking. Congratulations!
Pull your kids out of government school. Reduce enrollment which reduces staff. Reduced staff reduces teacher’s union dues which weakens the horrible political machine that teacher’s unions have become. #OneRoomSchoolHouse #SchoolChoice
Frank, the voice of free speech, will be the platform for Americans who want to defend life, liberty, and all the freedoms that have marked America as the longest running Constitutional Republic in the world. On this platform you will find a home where you can post videos, livestream television, distribute news and information, and find community and fellowship with likeminded Americans.
Maxine Waters has incited actual violence that the Ventura County Board of Supervisors must not ignore!
Ventura County Board of Supervisors meeting agenda item Human Services Agency Item 27 seeks to serve an unjustified 1,000 people who don’t need much to qualify. They don’t even need to be a taxpaying United States Citizen. It will cost $1,151,654.00 over just two and a half months.
It’s a gift from the Freedom Forum, the creator of the Newseum, a museum dedicated to the First Amendment. The museum was sold to Johns Hopkins University and closed in 2019.
As one of our first and seemingly last presidential administrations to challenge China’s ambition to conquer and invade our country, President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were clear, consistent and adamant that NOTHING that comes out of China be taken at face value because of how nationalist and dubious are the CCP in their unstoppable maneuvering to gain footholds into our society not to be our friends but to use and exploit our good nature to set the stage for their benefit, not ours.
Don’t support those businesses, organizations and politicians who don’t support you. Switch retailers, service providers or possibly do without a product or service should no viable replacement exist. There is something to be said for living an austere life out of choice or for taking a stand and doing without to make a bigger point. It is a small return of control in an otherwise out of control political system. You are empowered to vote with your wallet many times per day. Use it.