How Chinese Propogandists Use Arrogant, Ignorant and Greedy American Politicians

As one of our first and seemingly last presidential administrations to challenge China’s ambition to conquer and invade our country, President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were clear, consistent and adamant that NOTHING that comes out of China be taken at face value because of how nationalist and dubious are the CCP in their unstoppable maneuvering to gain footholds into our society not to be our friends but to use and exploit our good nature to set the stage for their benefit, not ours.

Don’t support people, politicians and organizations who don’t support you

Don’t support those businesses, organizations and politicians who don’t support you. Switch retailers, service providers or possibly do without a product or service should no viable replacement exist. There is something to be said for living an austere life out of choice or for taking a stand and doing without to make a bigger point. It is a small return of control in an otherwise out of control political system. You are empowered to vote with your wallet many times per day. Use it.