ITV Show Mistakenly Let’s The Politically Blind See the COVID / Green New Schpeel
The Year Earth Changed documents the year truth died. A hapless TV host demonstrates the depth of breadth of the problem of media deception.
One Californian's Paradigm
The Year Earth Changed documents the year truth died. A hapless TV host demonstrates the depth of breadth of the problem of media deception.
THANKFULLY – LASD has come to their senses and as of April 16, they ceased this abhorrent inhumane jab of potential extermination of mentally disabled people whom their caretakers mistakenly signed them up. It was even the recalled J&J serum.
I enjoy this loudmouth and his courage in the face of the blind rage of cognitive dissonance.
It’s a gift from the Freedom Forum, the creator of the Newseum, a museum dedicated to the First Amendment. The museum was sold to Johns Hopkins University and closed in 2019.