ILLEGAL ALIEN / CENSUS LONG GAME: Import, distribute, house, redistrict, indoctrinate, own

“They were planning this year because of the Census and the redistricting (Obama, Holder’s group) that occurs as a result. Its why they fought like hell to keep the citizenship question off the Census.

Democrat Nazi Party’s Joey Wrinkles is Literally anti-American to His Jell-o Core

What would cause a person with the title of president of the United States – cough, cough – to remove protections of national monuments after they were under attack by commmunists and anarchists the past year and a half?

COVIDRats Masquerading as Americans are Everywhere Today

I watched the Ventura County Board of Supervisors meeting today as failure and aspirational democrat (currently, she has changed her political designation THREE TIMES) Linda Parks pushed the #ExperimentalJab about … Read More

BREAKING NEWS: Ventura County Board of Supervisors Pull Parks’ Resolution 21-005

This is a wonderful victory and show of force for MOVE THE NEEDLE and what they can accomplish with focused efforts and continuous pressure highlighting the gross factual errors of Linda Parks and her politicking. Congratulations!

Mike Lindell Launches Refreshing Social Media and News Competitor

Frank, the voice of free speech, will be the platform for Americans who want to defend life, liberty, and all the freedoms that have marked America as the longest running Constitutional Republic in the world. On this platform you will find a home where you can post videos, livestream television, distribute news and information, and find community and fellowship with likeminded Americans.

Linda Parks Board Resolution No. 21-005 is a politicking overreaction without facts and without context

Personally, first hand and repeatedly did I witness unfair election irregularities take place right here, in Ventura, California as an observer and affidavits of the same were submitted by the other observers who I accompanied to the Ventura County Elections office.

This could be the funniest, most horribly true headline I’ve ever read

Where is Hunter’s laptop? Why wasn’t Joe Biden tried for bribery for his role in getting the Ukranian prosecutor fired for investigating the energy company that employed his younger, dare I say dumber self? Why isn’t he under investigation now? Is this the best the democrat-socialist movement can do?